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Katmandu to Istanbul (short)

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The Ark, Bukhara
Mineret Bukhara
The carpet factory back room
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The show room
Me, my new Carpet (in the bag) an the owner of the factory.
our hotel courtyard Bukhara
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Unfinished Mineret Khiva
Completed mineret Khiva
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Inside one of the mausaleums
Camels Turmenistan
Turkmen, gas fire
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highly antisipated sunset Turkmenistan
The gas creator
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Heathcliff at the gas crater
Gas crater in the dark
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Group photo early morning shadows
the Mud crater
Mud crater on fire
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The water crater
Small town Turkmenistan
The circus, view from our hotel window in the capital city
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A tribute to the previous leader of the country
the gold statue at the top rotates to always face the sun
a “wedding palace”. The allest flag pole in the world just visible behind
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Ashgabat the world record hold for the most white marbeled covered buildings at 155 or so
the glass elivator that takes you to the observation deck of the monument
a random rediculous building

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